The brand new release of PhpBibliography is out!
PhpBibliography allows you to publish your bibliography online (and to edit it via web).
It is implemented in Php 5 and uses MySql 5 (however, it might work also with Php 4, and also with MySql 4, but I'm not testing this).
This is a complete rewriting using CakePhp, the old version site is available here.
CakePhp is really a wonderful framework and I really enjoyed using it for PhpBibliography.
Hopefully, PhpBibliography is now more stable, relying on many mechanisms offered by CakePhp, and it looks nicer (in my opinion at least).
In the near future, I'm also planning to allow customization of the look by relying on CakePhp themes.
If you have an already installed version of PhpBibliography (earlier than version 1.x) you will need to follow the instructions you find at this link.
PhpBibliography now comes with a web based installation procedure which should minimize the efforts of the user who installs it (hopefully).
These are the main features provided by PhpBibliography:
- Automatic generation of bibtex for papers (unless a manual bib item is specified when editing the paper).
- For each paper two files can be uploaded and two links can be specified.
- Papers can be searched with criteria about their fields.
- Besides standard fields, new attributes can be specified for papers; attributes can be selectable, i.e., the logged user can choose among a(n extensible) set of values and multiple, i.e., a paper can be given several values for that attribute; an example of selectable/single attribute is "Publisher", an example of selectable/multiple attribute is "Keyword", and an example of non-selectable attribute is "DOI".
- Papers can be specified as private (visible only to logged users).
- Reports can be generated by filtering by author, by value and by grouping up to two levels (e.g., show only papers of a given authors, grouped by year and by paper type).
- RSS feeds are available for search results, reports and paper lists.
- Lists of papers, and results of reports and searches can be included in other webpages (by using the bare layout).
- Papers can be imported from DBLP.
- Searches for possible duplicate papers.
- Papers can be inserted through bibtex items and bibtex files.
And here are some screenshots of the new interface:
The main paper view
Recently modified papers
Let's generate a report...
...and this is the result.
The administrative interface (for logged users)
Papers shown in a table ready to be edited or deleted.
The view of a paper
The co-authors of an author