Friday, October 03, 2008

Texlive (Latex) in Sabayon

I'm experimenting with Sabayon Linux 3.5, and now I was trying to compile some of my papers, which of course are written in LaTeX; however I found no preinstalled binary for latex. Thus I tried to install, with equo, using the package latex-base, but again, no latex binary.

Thus, I emerged it. First, however, you need to unmerge tetex (the previous latex distribution). After that, it's just a matter of emerging texlive, and wait for some time (due to the compilation of many packages).


Massi said...

grazie per l'indicazione. Non riesco invero a trovare i repository di texlive su Sabayon 3.5 (, quindi non saprei dove cercarli. Hai dei suggerimenti?


betto said...

infatti li devi installare compilandoli con emerge, perche' non ci sono i precompilati in entropy purtroppo...